Monday, August 08, 2011

Shayden's 1st Camping Trip

This weekend marked the 2nd Annual Sibling Camping Trip for my family and I was not going to miss it for anything.  Last year we had just welcomed Quinton to the family and while I was tempted to take him my rational side said, 'maybe I should wait a year'.  Just days before the big night I told Shayden a little of what we would be doing and he was thrilled.  I think the major point of pure joy came when I showed him the headlamp he could use (just like his cousin Eli).  So with tent, sleeping bag (we only have 1), swimsuits and all our wannebe camping gear we hit the Delaware State Park with my 5 siblings, their spouses and all 13 kids.  It was AWESOME!!!  Now, not everyone stayed the night...some little ones and those not fond of camping (Chris being the first on that list), but all in all we had a great time.

A few things I learned...
- 2 yr olds will not sleep in a sleeping bag, but will sleep on top of you and your single blanket.
- 4 inches of rain in one night will find its way inside your tent and you will wake up wet.
- When the State Park you are camping in holds a street fair - GO.  It will be so hill billy you will be glad you didn't miss it.
- Unless you have a head of hair equal to a goddess - bring a hat.  I believe my SIL Jen's comment was 'I have never seen your hair so big'...a little heat and humidity can do that.
- No matter how late your toddler gets to bed, they will wake up at roughly 6:20am as the sun peaks through the trees.
- Bring a bottle of wine!  When you are trying to fall asleep on the ground with a tree root in your lower back its best to be VERY ready for bed.

Taken just moments before Chris and Quinton headed home.

Maddie, Eli, Shayden and Abby waiting to do Smores.

Good morning Mom!  (and yes, I put him in his sleeping bag for this shot)

Shayden, I loved getting to spend your first night in a tent with you.  Seeing you so excited for a new adventure and wanting to learn all you can made my heart so happy.  A few moments I won't swimming at the beach, you took on the waves like a champ and laughed for more.  Getting to show you how to take a camping shower was a riot.  Trying to make it to the bathroom when you decided you really had to go - very hard.  Seeing you dance at the street fair and play with your cousins, priceless.  And wrapping you up in you sleeping bag with your headlamp was awesome.  I can't wait for next year and more memories.  I love you, Mommy

1 comment:

Brit said...

They are so adored!!