Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Say What You Mean

I had a hilarous 'laugh out loud' moment with Shayden yesterday that I had to jot down on here so someday I can remember it.

We were playing (I was cleaning up) in the basement/play room and I was working on picking up all the boys' matchbox cars.  Shayden was about 8 feet away and near the bucket they are kept in so I asked him to do me a favor and "toss me the bucket for the cars".  
He registered the request on his face, looked at me and then flung the bucket in my direction!   I was shocked and almost pulled a bad mom move but thankfully my response was, 'hey buddy, why did you do that?'.  
Plain and simple was the reply..."you asked me to toss it to you".
Yes, Yes I did.

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